We Are All Valuable

Written by Cara Griswold, Foster Mom

Read one mom’s journey of realizing the need around her to open her heart to loving others, regardless of her own fears and inabilities.

Like a lot of people, I thought that older kids would be too hard and so we asked for young kids. When we got the call for our girls, the oldest was 6 and I almost said no to her. 5 years later, I have witnessed the restoration of a broken heart, fear turned to bravery, and apathy turn into passion. And I am a better person because of her.

Fostering has taught me that we are all valuable. Kids from “good” homes and kids from broken ones, parents with their crap (mostly) together and parents who just can’t make safe choices. We are all valuable and in need of love, compassion, dignity, and a voice.

I would encourage people out there that if you have love, you can foster. It will be hard, but that’s not a reason to say no. You don’t have to be and cannot be perfect. You just have to jump in and often things start will amaze you from the moment your feet hit the water. Open your eyes to see the need, open your heart to hurting children, and your feet will begin to run in action.

Instagram: @cegriswold

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