Archibald Community, meet Julia! Julia was adopted as a one year old from Russia. From there, her family life was unhealthy and after a hard night and broken arm, Julia was removed from her home and placed into foster care and then a children’s home. After feeling like she was in prison, Julia was placed in a new foster home where her foster dad’s sister grew in love for her and asked if she could be her new mom.
In episode 20 of Around the World with The Archibald Project, you will hear profound wisdom spoken from a 20 year old woman who has known deep pain and experienced the power of healing, redemptive love.
If you, or anyone you know has ever considered adopting, have adopted, are adopted, then you don’t want to miss the wisdom shared by Julia in this podcast!
Above photos by Julia Blasdel!
To keep up with Julia, follow her on Instagram: