Written by Corrie, CASA Volunteer
I want to be a part of the solution not just be a person that talks about the problem. I want to be an example to my own children that their mom is a person of action when there is a problem, that we don’t just sit on the sidelines but we get involved. My name is Corrie and I have been a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) for two years.
I became a CASA because my heart breaks for the foster child. I have known personally what it is to suffer abuse. I was blessed to have a loving family around me, so many of these children don’t. I see the desperate need in my city of these children and how they need someone to be there for them in a system that they often get lost in.
I had a preconceived thought that all biological parents of our foster kids were just dead beat druggies and I couldn’t understand why they couldn’t get things together to be able to get their child back. But I have been taught so much in this process. I have learned that the bio parents are hurt people themselves. I have seen what a hold an addiction has on people. My heart has definitely softened towards the bio parents. I also have realized that we can all make a difference, one child at a time. I have met amazing foster parents, a fair and kind judge, advocates who fight fiercely for their child, and children who flourish when someone reaches out.
I want the world to know that foster care isn’t as scary as it may seem. I want people to understand that the humanity that is involved in the social system could be any one of us. When we start to see individuals in the foster system, parents or children, as ourselves or our children, is when we will be willing to help. There are too many foster kids and they all need an advocate so that they do not get lost in the system. That foster kids are just kids who need help healing from their pasts.
There are so many different ways to get involved in foster care. I think that so many people think that they have to foster or adopt. Or people think the problem is so huge what can they possibly do. I wish that people knew they could become a CASA, or be a mode of transportation for foster kids, give a foster parent a break by babysitting, bring a meal to a family who has just received a new placement… there are so many ways to help foster children and support foster families. I also want people to know that just by doing one thing, you have helped! If we were to all do one thing, the problem wouldn’t be so huge. I may not be able to help all the foster kids in my county, but I sure can affect the life of one. And to that one, that’s all that matters.
When I think about the generations that might be affected because I chose to help just one, I know I can make a difference.