Written by Kimberly

My husband and I started fostering about 3 years ago. We started learning more about the devastating need for foster families in our area and couldn’t turn away from it. Three years later, we have had the privilege of fostering 5 beautiful kiddos, and recently finalized our adoption of 3.

As a foster parent, I have endured the heartache of saying goodbye abruptly to a child, and never seeing them again. I have been up in the middle of the night weeping because the pain is that deep. I have dealt with incredible grief as our family is constantly changing and we learn to let go of those we love; we have no choice. BUT the loss has taught me so much. It has truly shaped my heart to love deeper than I knew possible. The loss experienced on this journey has changed my life forever, in the best way. This journey is costly, but I would willingly and gladly do it all over again.

Before starting this foster care journey, we knew that we were capable of caring and loving for the children placed in our home,

but had fears about the logistics. Both my husband and I workedout of the home 40+ hours a week and I was worried that the demands of our work life would get in the way of fostering. It WAS hard. But, we truly learned that when there is a will there is a way!

I want people to know that they too are capable of opening their homes to children in need. I get so many comments like, “You are a superhero, I could never do what you do.” The fact is, you can, and so many children need adults to step into the mess and love them well. I want this fostering community to grow so that every child is given a safe home and loving family for however long or short they need. If you spent a day with my family and started to put faces to the term “foster care”, you would no longer be able to ignore the need.

Instagram: @yesterdayandforever
Website: (coming soon!)

Above Photos by: Briana Barrios

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