Happy May! It’s National Foster Care Month here in America, and we are excited to bring you stories and testimonies from people all over the country who are actively involved in the U.S. Foster System.
We put out a call on Instagram (@thearchibaldproject) for anyone and everyone involved in Foster Care to send us an email if they were interested in sharing their story. Why? Because we have seen the power of storytelling inspire and influence people into action.
As humans it can be hard or scary to do things you don’t know much about or have never seen in action. But…
When you actually see someone with your own eyes and hear their firsthand experiences and realities, you can begin to envision yourself in their shoes. Once we introduce people to others who are actively caring for orphaned and vulnerable children we see more people getting involved in the lives of the children for whom we advocate!
So all month long we will be bringing you new stories every weekday, new podcasts once a week, and sharing direct quotes on social media from people who are daily on the front lines with some of our nation’s most vulnerable children.
Please stick around for a powerful month and share, share, share the inspiring stories on our website and blog so that thousands out there (415,000 to be exact!) will be inspired to get involved in the U.S. Foster System.
Find our daily Foster Care posts on Instagram, and a community of others in the Foster System under the hashtags: #livefostercare and #fostercarestories!
(Due to the privacy laws set in place to protect foster children and families most of our images will not show faces. Some images will be stock photos we have captured throughout our years of documenting children and families. )